The Republic of Uzbekistan, a part of the AgroWeb Network is created in aim to collect and provide information on agricultural institutions and other important agriculture related subjects to help users to find information and contacts in Central Asia, European countries and former USSR.


Number of cattle in Uzbekistan reach about 12.2m heads Uzbekistan realized about 5,200 projects on development of cattle, poultry, fish breeding and bee farms.

News submitted on 6.02.2017 By:admin

The biggest biogas facility became operational in Andijan region Uzbekistan has substantial renewable energy potential, which is still largely untapped. According to the preliminary estimates, total potential of biogas in Uzbekistan is estimated to exceed 8.9 billion cubic meters annually. As the calorific value, this corresponds to 6.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, accounting for more than 10% of annual demand for energy in Uzbekistan.

News submitted on 1.12.2016 By:admin

X5 Retail Group signs contracts for supply of fruits, vegetables from Uzbekistan Business meetings with foreign companies and partners were organized within the First International Fruit and Vegetable Fair, which was held in Tashkent on 8-10 November. The contracts for US$117 million were signed with Agro-Layn and Х5 Retail Group. Х5 Retail Group and Uzagroexport carried out negotiations for several months. In July, Х5 Retail Group representatives visited Uzbekistan to assess quality of fruits and vegetables and familiarize with potential suppliers.

News submitted on 12.11.2016 By:admin

Uzbekistan, Russia discuss expanding supply of fruits and vegetables A delegation of Russia visited Uzbekistan to participate in the First International Fruit and Vegetable Fair, which was held on 8-10 November 2016. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Uzbek-Russian working group on supply of fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan to Russia was created in the result of the visit.

News submitted on 12.11.2016 By:admin

Uzbek scientists in the High-Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security Dr. Botir Dosov is the coordinator of the Innovation platform established within Research Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research in the Dry system (CGIAR) for Central Asia. He also is a member of the the High-Level Panel of Experts for Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), selected for the countries of CIS and Eastern Europe. As a member of the HLPE, he participated in the preparation of the HLPE report on "Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?"

News submitted on 22.09.2016 By:admin

Forests are the cradle of biodiversity. Understand, appreciate and use sustainably A Project “Assessment and monitoring of forest resources in the Republic of Uzbekistan” of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan was launched in early 2016 and in the framework of the fixed goals a number of activities are being carried out. Recently a series of trainings and workshops have took place in Tashkent, where international experts trained project specialists and agencies specialized in forestry. The training program was designed for technical specialists of the project and its aim is to teach how to work with the available GIS (geographic information systems) and RS (Remote sensing) resources. International experts have shown and taught project specialists how to collect, visualize and analyse data, classify objects, produce maps, process space images, store and process big geographic and other data properly, etc.

News submitted on 1.07.2016 By:admin

GEF SGP helps to develop pistachio production in Uzbekistan Bastamkul Saidkulov lives in the area of typical arid foothills, with around 300 mm of precipitation annually. There are more than 400,000 ha of such lands across Uzbekistan - 9 out of 12 provinces of the country. People in such areas are usually engaged in rain-fed agriculture, growing oilseed crops or wheat and livestock breeding. The productivity of these lands is very low. Severe overgrazing is a common and widespread problem that wipes out any chance for re-vegetation of any tree and most grass plants. No vegetation is the first driving factor for land degradation and destruction of productive lands and thus leads to loss of income by people.

News submitted on 15.09.2015 By:admin