11.03.2017 01:04 Age: 8 yrs

International Conference on Science and Society 2017 : “Phytomedicine and Biopiracy” ICSS-2017.

Category: MAP news, MAP events BY: MÁTHÉ, Á. July 24-28, 2017, Mainz – Germany.  

The topics of the congress include different fields of research related to biopiracy and phytomedicine in order to bring together researchers from all over the world with their recent achievements and innovations in relevant fields.

The scope of the conference


The International Conferences on Science and Society will be a series of congresses with annually changing topics at the interface between the biosciences and the humanities. While both academic fields have their own well-established platforms of scholarly exchange, the dialogue between both is frequently not appropriately


The use of medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes is a core topic in pharmacy, pharmacology and medicine inside and outside academia. Their unprotected commercial use by companies led to severe controversies, and this problem became a hot topic of discussion in the humanities in academia and many other groups in the general public.


Web: biopiracyconference2017.uni-mainz.de


***New Deadline for Abstract submission: 31. May, 2017. ***

Links: biopiracyconference2017.uni-mainz.de