17.11.2020 20:26 Age: 4 yrs

EOHUB Webinar on applications of essential oils from the point of view of the University, research institutions and companies.

Category: MAP news, MAP events, MAP Network events BY: MÁTHÉ, Á. Cycle of Conferences EOHUB - Free webinar   Registration at: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-cycle-of-conferences-eohub-european-hub-in-the-field-of-essential-oils-129306325701


Dear Colleagues,


You are cordially invited to attend the "EOHUB Webinar on the application of essential oils from the point of view of the University, research institutions and companies"


The webinar will mark the first event in the “CYCLE OF CONFERENCES EOHUB - EUROPEAN HUB IN THE FIELD OF ESSENTIAL OILS”.


Date of the webinar: November 19, 2020. at 10:30 - 12:00 hours.


The webinar will be performed via the Eventbrite platform.





10:30-10.40. UPM, Spain - Introducing EOHUB Project.

10:40 - 11.00. ARMOSA, Belgium - “Registration of essential oils as insecticide in Europe”

11:00 - 11.20. KIMITEC, Spain - “When innovation meets essential oils: 4 success cases of R&D projects”

11:20 - 11.40. CSIC, Spain - “Essential oils and plant domestication: The future crop protection?”

11:40-12.00. Q&A. Final Remarks



Carlos Calderón - UPM. Moderator

Antoine Trigaux - ARMOSA

Elena Letrado/Juan Valverde - KIMITEC

Azucena González - CSIC



If you want to join us, please follow this link and add your name and email. Eventbrite platform will send you a reminder before the meeting:









Links:   https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-cycle-of-conferences-eohub-european-hub-in-the-field-of-essential-oils-129306325701