15.10.2016 21:24 Age: 8 yrs

European Red List of Medicinal Plants

Category: MAP news BY: MáTHé, Á.

The European Red List of Medicinal Plants provides, for the first time, factual information on the status of medicinal plants in Europe. This assessment includes 400 vascular plants from ninety families including large trees, aquatic plants, and epiphytes and occupying a wide range of habitats.

Foreword by: Pia Bucella, Directors, Directorate B: Natural Capital European Union

Editors: Allen D.J., Bilz, M., Leaman, D.J., Miller, R.M., Timoshyna, A., and Window, J.

European Red List of Medicinal Plants. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.


Files: EU_MPR_-_IIB.pdf