COAIM II.23.09.2002The Second Consultation on Agricultural Information Management will be held in Rome, Italy, from 23 to 25 of September 2002. The Second COAIM was attended by 12 representatives from 9 CEE Member Countrie |
Wisefarmer learning platform and Knowledge BaseNew learning platform was created for the Wisefarmer project, which will serve participants in... |
WiseFarmer project – Erasmus project 2019-1-HU01-KA204-061083 started in SeptemberThe direct aim of the project is to bring the younger and elder farm generations together in a... |
FAO holds Regional Round Table on Problems of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Budapest - Hungary beetween 3-5 April 2012Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Network is a part of the ESCORENA system (European System of... |