18.07.2019 16:17 Age: 6 yrs

Third Arab Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - ACMAP2019

Category: MAP events, MAP Network events BY: L.H.BEL HADJ BRAHIM Hammamet,Tunisia, November 4-7, 2019.

ACMAP series of congresses have been organized in every years at a different Arab

continent. It is the official congress of the Arab Federation of MAP (Federation of Arab

Scientific Research Councils) for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

ACMAP has been reputed as a congress covering all aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants ranging from ethnobotany, botany, chemistry, pharmacology, biological activity,

standardization, adulteration, technology, pharmacy, medicine, cosmetics, food use, flavours and fragrances, regulatory activities to trade and commerce including uses for human and animal welfare. World renowned experts in the above fields will be invited to give plenary and keynote lectures to enlighten the audience on latest developments in their respected fields.

You are cordially invited to attend the congress and contribute with your latest findings in the form of oral and/or poster presentations.


Web: www.acmap2019.com

Links: acmap2019.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/First%20call%20of%20congress.pdf