23.11.2018 06:13 Age: 6 yrs

International Seminar on Wild Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Collection, Seville (Spain) 28 - 30, November 2018.

Category: MAP news BY: MáTHé, ÁKOS

The final program of the International Seminar on Wild Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Collection from INCREDIBLE Project (https://www.incredibleforest.net/) and the ValuePAM final conference (http://www.valuepam.eu/) to be held in Seville (Spain) from 28th to 30th November 2018.

The place of work will be the Headquarters of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Andalusia Government (C/ Tabladilla, s/n, 41001 - Sevilla).


Web: www.valuepam.eu

Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/7CWXJBUqd2oqlFyK2


Source: Roser Cristobal <roser.cristobal@ctfc.es>


Files: Programa_final_International_Workshop_Sevilla.pdf