2.11.2021 11:38 Age: 3 yrs

Meet the producers webinar: FairWild Liquorice [AM UK time]

Category: MAP Members news, MAP Network events, MAP news BY: MATHE, A. Nov 10, 2021 09:30 AM in London

Liquorice is prized for applications including traditional medicine, herbal tea and cosmetics. Join the Webinar to learn more about the conservation and social risks surrounding the trade in wild liquorice root, as well as the opportunities to mitigate supply chain risks, empower collectors and preserve biodiversity through purchasing from FairWild certified Liquorice producers.

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qc-6srDgpG9ezW6fsdo5QX_I6G9qIavzC

Link: https://mailchi.mp/8cbb6926b9eb/liquorice-webinar-2021?e=efc5a53410